Category Archives: Council District 14

2.7.3. Big Fishweir Creek About Big Fishweir Creek

Figure 2.32 Big Fishweir Creek (WBID 2280A/B) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.32 Big Fishweir Creek (WBID 2280A/B) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
  • West of Downtown, South of I-10
  • Primary Land Use: Residential
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform with BMAP, Mercury
    • 2020 Verified Impairment for
      Dissolved Oxygen (2280B) and Nutrients (Chlorophyll-a) (2280B)
  • WBID Area: 3.7 sq. mi.
    • Beneficial Use: Class III F / M
      (2280A Recreational – Freshwater, 2280B Recreational – Marine) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Big Fishweir Creek WBID 2280, 2280A (freshwater), and 2280B (saltwater/marine) (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.8. Discussion

Water quality data for Big Fishweir Creek are shown in Table 2.8. Average total phosphorus concentrations in the freshwater reach (WBID 2280A) have been higher than the WQC for 2020-2022 (not sampled in marine reach WBID 2280B 2020-2022). The marine reach (2280B) was listed as Impaired for Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients (Chlorophyll-a) in 2020, and excessive nutrient concentrations were identified as the cause for reduced dissolved oxygen levels (DEP 2020a). FDEP has placed a medium priority for the development of a TMDL to address these impairments.  The freshwater segment of Big Fishweir Creek was added to the FDEP study list for dissolved oxygen (DEP 2020f). The freshwater segment is considered impaired for dissolved oxygen based on the number of exceedances for the sample size, but the causative pollutant has not yet been identified. Big Fishweir Creek marine reach (2280B) was listed as Impaired for high levels of iron; FDEP cannot rule out the possibility of anthropogenic sources (DEP 2016h; DEP 2020e).

A TMDL report (Wainwright and Hallas 2009a) was released in 2009 to address Fecal coliform, calling for an 87% reduction of sources, and Big Fishweir Creek is no longer listed as impaired for Fecal coliform as a result (DEP 2016f) (Note: the data analyses in the TMDL are based on different criteria than that used in this report). Subsequently, a BMAP to address this issue was legally adopted (DEP 2009b). Additional information about fecal coliform in the tributaries can be found in Section 2.6 and Table 2.3.  Fecal indicator bacteria measurements continue to show average bacterial concentrations higher than the WQC.  In 2018, FDEP piloted microbial source tracking strategies in selected impaired waterbodies.  They found that the strategies used could be used to narrow down areas suspected of containing sources that actively contribute fecal indicating bacteria to water in order to identify and remediate them, but this work is resource-intensive. Big Fishweir Creek was found to have known sources of untreated human waste present (DEP 2019a).  In 2020, Big Fishweir Creek was added to FDEP’s study list to monitor the response in fecal indicator bacteria levels (specifically, E. coli in the freshwater portions and Enterococcus in the marine portions) to ongoing restoration activities taking place in both the freshwater and marine segments as part of the BMAP (DEP 2020f).

The US Army Corps of Engineers commissioned a study of the sediment and water in Big Fishweir Creek that took place in October 2019 to provide information regarding dredging activities within the creek (USACE 2020a).  This study found that sediments throughout most of Big Fishweir Creek contained heavy metals, and the levels of lead, chlorinated pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and dioxins were high enough to exceed FDEP’s Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines (DEP 2021g).

No recent measurements were available in WIN between 2020 and 2022 for the marine reach (WBID 2280B) for the following parameters: Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Chlorophyll-a, Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Zinc, Turbidity.

Historical water quality data for Big Fishweir Creek are available in previous versions of the River Report.

Table 2.8 Water quality data for Big Fishweir Creek.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0) FW4.22
(7 of 25 samples)
(3 of 24 samples)
4.36 ± 0.38
(7 of 26 samples)
≥4.0 SW7.22
(0 of 6 samples)
(3 of 24 samples)
6.60 ± 0.50
(1 of 10 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.541.18
(0 of 3 samples)
(0 of 2 samples)
1.19 ± 0.20
(1 of 5 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.120.16
(2 of 3 samples)
(2 of 3 samples)
0.17 ± 0.05
(3 of 5 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<20 FW2
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
0.79 ± 0.29
(0 of 4 samples)
Arsenic (mg/L)≤50Not AvailableNot Available1.40
(0 of 1 samples)
Cadmium (µg/L)≤8.8 SWNot AvailableNot Available0.01
(0 of 1 samples)
Copper (µg/L)≤3.7 SWNot AvailableNot Available0.60
(0 of 1 samples)
Iron (mg/L)≤0.3 SWNot AvailableNot Available0.89
(0 of 1 samples)
Lead (µg/L)≤8.5 SWNot AvailableNot Available0.54
(0 of 1 samples)
Nickel (µg/L)≤8.3 SWNot AvailableNot Available1.25
(0 of 1 samples)
Silver (µg/L)≤0.92 SWNot AvailableNot Available0.01
(0 of 1 samples)
Zinc (µg/L)≤86 SWNot AvailableNot Available12.5
(0 of 1 samples)
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (E. coli) (CFU/100 mL)E. coli <410 FW1350
(23 of 29 samples)
(20 of 28 samples)
1299 ± 350
(14 of 22 samples)
E. coli <410 SW779 ± 44
(4 of 4 samples)
Enterococci <130 SW263 ± 117
(3 of 4 samples)
Turbidity (NTU)<293.87
(0 of 3 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
4.14 ± 0.62
(0 of 5 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.


2.7.7. Cedar River About the Cedar River

Figure 2.36 The Cedar River Tributary (WBID 2262B and 2213P2) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.36 The Cedar River Tributary (WBID 2262B and 2213P2) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
    • At the I-10/I-295 Interchange
    • Primary Land Use: Residential/Forested
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform (2262B, 2213P) and DO/Nutrients (2213P)
    • 2022 Verified Impairment for
      Fecal coliform ( coli) (2262B) and Iron (2213P2)
    • WBID Area: 22.8 sq. mi.

    Beneficial Use: Class III F/M
    (2262B Recreational – Freshwater, 2213P2 Recreational – Marine) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Cedar River WBID 2262B (freshwater) and 2213P2 (marine) (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.12. Discussion

Water quality data for the Cedar River are shown in Table 2.12. The Cedar River feeds into the Ortega River and thus is not directly a tributary of the St. Johns River. Even so, the Cedar River is tidal in nature, varying in height by ~1 ft over the course of a day (SJRWMD 2010d). Average total phosphorus levels had been lower than the reference value (DEP 2015c; DEP 2016d; DEP 2016i).  However, the average total phosphorus level 2020-2022 was near the reference value, with approximately half of samples exceeding the WQC, especially in the marine reach (2213P2). Average chlorophyll-a levels in the Cedar River were well above the WQC in the marine reach (2213P2) from 2020 through 2022. The marine reach (WBID 2213P2) had average copper and iron levels 2020-2022 near or exceeding the WQC.  The Cedar River was listed as Impaired for high levels of iron in 2016 and 2022 (DEP 2016h; DEP 2020e; DEP 2022).

In 2004, Cedar River was identified as being impaired for both fecal and total coliform, and as a result, a TMDL report was finalized in 2006 (Magley 2006b), with an 83% reduction of current anthropogenic fecal coliform loading. (Note: the data analyses in the TMDL are based on different criteria than that used in this report). Currently, a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) to address this impairment is under development, but the timeframe for its release is currently unknown.  In 2020, Cedar River was verified as Impaired for fecal coliform based on the number of exceedances for the sample size (DEP 2020g).  FDEP confirmed anthropogenic sources for these bacteria using genetic marker analysis and chemical tracer data.  Average E. coli levels exceeded the WQC 2020-2022.

No recent measurements were available in WIN or STORET between 2020 and 2022 for the freshwater reach (WBID 2262B) for the following parameters: Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Zinc.

Historical water quality data for the Cedar River are available in previous versions of the River Report.

Table 2.12 Water quality data for the Cedar River.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
ParameterCriteria (FW)202020212022
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0) FW7.12
(0 of 9 samples)
(0 of 12 samples)
6.61 ± 0.48
(0 of 11 samples)
≥4.0 SW6.38
(2 of 15 samples)
(1 of 27 samples)
6.64 ± 0.47
(2 of 18 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.54 FWNot availableNot available1.28 ± 0.10
(0 of 4 samples)
<1.54 SW1.00 ± 0.15
(0 of 3 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.12 FW0.14
(9 of 14 samples)
(6 of 16 samples)
0.12 ± 0.01
(1 of 4 samples)
<0.12 SW0.16 ± 0.01
(3 of 3 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<20 FW7.35
(0 of 4 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
9.50 ± 4.54
(0 of 3 samples)
<5.4 SW25.05
(9 of 10 samples)
(9 of 9 samples)
34.22 ± 18.05
(3 of 3 samples)
Arsenic (µg/L)≤503.01
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
1.96 ± 0.24
(0 of 8 samples)
Cadmium (µg/L)≤8.8 SW0.12
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
0.08 ± 0.04
(0 of 8 samples)
Copper (µg/L)≤3.7 SW4.07
(5 of 10 samples)
(3 of 8 samples)
3.62 ± 1.01
(2 of 8 samples)
Iron (mg/L)≤0.3 SW0.44
(8 of 10 samples)
(7 of 8 samples)
0.34 ± 0.04
(3 of 8 samples)
Lead (µg/L)≤8.5 SW2.97
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
1.96 ± 0.35
(0 of 8 samples)
Nickel (µg/L)≤8.3 SW1.80
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
1.53 ± 0.28
(0 of 8 samples)
Silver (µg/L)≤0.92 SW0.11
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
0.04 ± 0.03
(0 of 8 samples)
Zinc (µg/L)≤86 SW22.00
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 8 samples)
18.12 ± 2.75
(0 of 8 samples)
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (E. coli) (CFU/100 mL)E. coli <410 FW6900
(6 of 16 samples)
(16 of 23 samples)
1848 ± 776
(7 of 12 samples)
E. coli <410 SW641 ± 397
(2 of 4 samples)
Enterococci <130 SW17 ± 12
(0 of 2 samples)
Turbidity (NTU)<29 FW6.58
(0 of 14 samples)
(0 of 12 samples)
12.43 ± 5.21
(0 of 4 samples)
<29 SW9.20 ± 3.39
(0 of 3 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.

2.7.22. Ortega River About the Ortega River

Figure 2.51 The Ortega River Tributary (WBID 2213P1 and 2249A) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.51 The Ortega River Tributary (WBID 2213P1 and 2249A) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
    • West of NAS Jacksonville
    • Primary Land Use: Residential
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform (2213P), DO/Nutrient (2213P)
    • 2022 Verified Impairment for Fecal coliform ( coli) (2249A)
    • WBID Area: 29.0 sq. mi.
    • Beneficial Use: Class III F/M

    (2213P1 Recreational – Marine, 2249A Recreational – Freshwater) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Ortega River WBID 2213P1 (marine) and 2249A (freshwater) (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.27. Discussion

Water quality data for the Ortega River are shown in Table 2.27. Average total phosphorus and dissolved oxygen concentrations were within acceptable limits in the freshwater reach (2249A), but outside of WQC for the marine reach (2213P1). Average chlorophyll-a concentrations have remained lower than the WQC in the freshwater reach of the Ortega River, but chlorophyll-a concentrations in the marine reach exceeded or were near the WQC from 2020-2022. Very few samples were available to assess in 2022. All samples 2020-2022 had metals concentrations lower than the WQC.

Average fecal indicator bacteria measurements were below the WQC in 2020 and 2022, and exceeded it in 2021, while roughly one-quarter to one-third of the individual samples exceeded the WQC. The TMDL reports for fecal coliform (Rhew 2009f) and DO/Nutrients (Magley 2009b) published in 2009 referred to WBID 2213P, of which WBID 2213P1 is a subset as a result of changes to the WBID boundaries.  In 2022, the freshwater reach of the Ortega River was verified as Impaired for elevated levels of fecal coliform (E. coli) based on the number of exceedances for the sample size, and anthropogenic sources of E. coli have been identified (DEP 2020g; DEP 2022).

Historical water quality data for the Ortega River are available in previous versions of the River Report. 

Table 2.27 Water quality data for the Ortega River.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0) FW6.59
(2 of 16 samples)
(1 of 15 samples)
5.48 ± 0.45
(2 of 17 samples)
≥4.0 SW6.7
(0 of 9 samples)
(0 of 5 samples)
3.11 ± 0.54
(2 of 2 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.54 FW1.01
(0 of 4 samples)
Not available1.29 ± 0.31
(2 of 6 samples)
<1.54 SW0.97 ± 0.05
(0 of 2 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.12 FW0.09
(2 of 13 samples)
(0 of 13 samples)
0.08 ± 0.01
(0 of 6 samples)
<0.12 SW0.14 ± 0.02
(1 of 2 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<20 FW0.86
(0 of 7 samples)
(0 of 7 samples)
1.33 ± 0.30
(0 of 6 samples)
<5.4 SW36.4
(5 of 5 samples)
(3 of 3 samples)
5.16 ± 3.24
(1 of 2 samples)
Arsenic (¬µg/L)≤50 FW1.51
(0 of 10 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
2.75 ± 0.000
(0 of 3 samples)
≤50 SWNot availableNot available
Cadmium (¬µg/L)≤0.3 FW0.03
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
0.03 ± 0.000
(0 of 3 samples)
≤8.8 SW0.01
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Copper (¬µg/L)≤9.3 FW2.93
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
6.13 ± 1.85
(0 of 3 samples)
≤3.7 SW2.61
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Iron (mg/L)≤1.0 FWNot included in
2021 SORR
Not included in
2022 SORR
0.59 ± 0.15
(0 of 3 samples)
≤0.3 SWNot included in
2021 SORR
Not availableNot available
Lead (¬µg/L)≤3.2 FW0.32
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
0.50 ± 0.13
(0 of 3 samples)
≤8.5 SW1.65
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Nickel (¬µg/L)≤52 FW0.25
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
1.92 ± 0.83
(0 of 3 samples)
≤8.3 SW1
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Silver (¬µg/L)≤0.07 FW0.03
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
0.03 ± 0.000
(0 of 3 samples)
≤0.92 SW0.01
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Zinc (¬µg/L)≤120 FW15
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
27.5 ± 0.000
(0 of 3 samples)
≤86 SW7.5
(0 of 4 samples)
Not availableNot available
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (CFU/100 mL)E. coli <410 FW330
(3 of 14 samples)
(3 of 10 samples)
275 ± 67
(3 of 12 samples)
Enterococci <130 SWNot availableNot available
Turbidity (NTU)<29 FW5.19
(0 of 15 samples)
(0 of 7 samples)
3.62 ± 1.06
(0 of 6 samples)
<29 SWNot availableNot available
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.

District Information

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