Category Archives: Council District 7

2.7.5. Broward River About the Broward River

Figure 2.34 The Broward River Tributary (WBID 2191A/B) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.34 The Broward River Tributary (WBID 2191A/B) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b). 
  • Between downtown and Jacksonville International Airport (JIA)
  • Primary Land Use: Residential/Forested
  • Current TMDL reports: None
  • 2022 Verified Impairment for Fecal Coliform (2191B)
  • WBID Area: 14.4 sq. mi.
  • Beneficial Use: Class III F/M (2191A – Recreational Freshwater, 2191B – Recreational Marine) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Broward River WBID 2191A/B (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.10. Discussion

Water quality data for the Broward River are shown in Table 2.10. Little water quality data is available for the Broward River compared to other tributaries. Historically, average phosphorus levels were higher than the 2010 updated WQC (DEP 2015c; DEP 2016d; DEP 2016i).   Historical maximum fecal coliform level at times exceeded the WQC, and as a result, the marine reach (2191B) was listed as impaired for fecal coliform. FDEP considers the Broward River a low priority for the development of a TMDL to address Fecal Coliform levels (DEP 2016d). Average fecal indicator bacteria levels did not usually exceed the WQC in 2022, although there are few samples to base this assessment on.  The Broward River was identified as being impaired for mercury, based on elevated levels of mercury in fish tissue; however, it was delisted (DEP 2016f) as it has been addressed by the statewide mercury TMDL (DEP 2013c).

The freshwater segment of the Broward River was added to the FDEP study list for dissolved oxygen (DEP 2020f). The freshwater segment is considered impaired for dissolved oxygen based on the number of exceedances for the sample size, but the causative pollutant has not yet been identified.

No recent measurements were available in WIN between 2020 and 2022 for both freshwater and marine reaches (WBID 2191A, 2191B) for the following parameters: Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Chlorophyll-a, Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Zinc, Turbidity.

Historical water quality data for the Broward River are available in previous versions of the River Report.

Table 2.10 Water quality data for the Broward River.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≤34% sat. (≤3.0) FW6.07
(0 of 3 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
6.82 ± 0.50
(0 of 4 samples)
≤4.0 SW7.1
(0 of 3 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
7.42 ± 0.79
(0 of 4 samples)
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (E. coli) (CFU/100 mL)E. coli <410 FW1060
(3 of 6 samples)
(1 of 7 samples)
174 ± 32
(0 of 4 samples)
E. coli <410 SW108
(0 of 1 samples)
Enterococci <130 SW140 ± 32
(2 of 3 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.

2.7.15. Hogan Creek About Hogan Creek

Figure 2.44 The Hogan Creek Tributary (WBID 2252) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.44 The Hogan Creek Tributary (WBID 2252) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
    • Downtown Jacksonville
    • Primary Land Use: Residential
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform with BMAP
    • Not included in 2022 Verified List of Impaired Waters
    • WBID Area: 3.4 sq. mi.
    • Beneficial Use: Class III F

    (Recreational – Freshwater) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Hogan Creek WBID 2252 (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.20. Discussion

Water quality data for Hogan Creek are shown in Table 2.20. The data available for Hogan Creek have been sporadic, with no metals data available in 2020-2022, and this limits their utility in assessing the water quality in Hogan Creek. Historical average phosphorus levels were higher than the recently updated WQC (DEP 2015c; DEP 2016d; DEP 2016i), and the average total phosphorus levels from 2020-2022 were at or near the WQC, although limited samples are reported. Chlorophyll-a and dissolved oxygen concentrations appear to be within acceptable limits.

A TMDL for fecal coliform in Hogan Creek was finalized in 2006 (Wainwright 2006d), with a 92% reduction of anthropogenic fecal coliform loading. (Note: the data analyses in the TMDL are based on different criteria than those used in this report). Subsequently, a BMAP for Hogan Creek was legally adopted in December 2009 (DEP 2009b). Additional information about fecal coliform in the tributaries can be found in Section 2.6 and Table 2.3. Recent measurements indicate ongoing issues with elevated fecal coliform concentrations. In 2018, FDEP piloted microbial source tracking strategies in selected impaired waterbodies. They found that the strategies used could be used to narrow down areas suspected of containing sources that actively contribute fecal indicating bacteria to water in order to identify and remediate them, but this work is resource-intensive. Hogan Creek was found to have known sources of untreated human waste present (DEP 2019a).  In 2020, Hogan Creek was added to FDEP’s study list to monitor the response in fecal coliform levels to ongoing restoration activities taking place as part of the existing BMAP (DEP 2020f).

In 2012, COJ worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers to investigate the potential to remediate and restore the aquatic ecosystem through removal of accumulated sediment, removal of exotic vegetation, and creation of wetland habitats.  Fourteen sites within the Hogan Creek watershed were under consideration for restoration, but sampling of ten of these sites in 2003 revealed hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste contamination in both the creek itself and the adjacent lands.  Ash deposits dating back to the early 20th century can be found in the Hogan Creek watershed, and these are known sources of hazardous and toxic waste. The USACE elected not to proceed with any work or action until these hazardous materials were removed, after which the project could be reconsidered (USACE 2012a). Groundwork Jacksonville is leading the design phase of the project and received a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s National Coastal Resilience Fund in 2022 to complete the project design. The design phase is expected to be completed in 2026.

No recent measurements were available in WIN between 2020 and 2022 for the following parameters: Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Zinc

Historical water quality data for Hogan Creek are available in previous versions of the River Report. 

Table 2.20 Water quality data for Hogan Creek.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
ParameterCriteria (FW)202020212022
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0)5.5
(0 of 12 samples)
(0 of 13 samples)
6.68 ± 0.47
(0 of 11 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.541.22
(1 of 3 samples)
(2 of 2 samples)
1.23 ± 0.04
(0 of 4 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.120.16
(3 of 3 samples)
(2 of 4 samples)
0.11 ± 0.01
(1 of 4 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<205.55
(0 of 2 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
2.77 ± 0.45
(0 of 3 samples)
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (E. coli) (CFU/100 mL)<4101240
(10 of 12 samples)
(6 of 10 samples)
924 ± 509
(6 of 12 samples)
Turbidity (NTU)<2928.4
(1 of 3 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
6.40 ± 0.35
(0 of 4 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.

2.7.18. McCoy Creek About McCoy Creek

Figure 2.47 The McCoy Creek Tributary (WBID 2257) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.47 The McCoy Creek Tributary (WBID 2257) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
    • West of the St. Johns River
      Downtown Jacksonville
    • Primary Land Use: Residential
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform
    • Not included in 2022 Verified List of Impaired Waters
    • WBID Area: 5.34 sq. mi.
    • Beneficial Use: Class III F

    (Recreational – Freshwater Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the McCoy Creek WBID 2257 (DEP 2023b) shown above. The filtered dataset reflects water column concentrations and was used to generate Table 2.23. Discussion

Water quality data for McCoy Creek are shown in Table 2.23. Average total phosphorus concentrations from 2020-2022 have fluctuated around the WQC, and around half of individual total phosphorus measurements during that time exceeded the WQC. Average DO concentrations have remained above the WQC from 2020-2022 on average; 5-10% of samples are below the WQC.  In 2020, McCoy Creek was added to the FDEP study list for dissolved oxygen (DEP 2020f). It is considered impaired for dissolved oxygen based on the number of exceedances for the sample size, but the causative pollutant has not yet been identified.

Average fecal coliform concentrations were historically above the WQC. Thus, a TMDL for fecal coliform was published in 2009 (Rich-Zeisler and Kingon 2009), with 84% reduction of contributing sources. (Note: the data analysis in the TMDL is based on different criteria than those used in this report). Subsequently, a BMAP for McCoy Creek was legally adopted in 2010 (DEP 2010a). Measurements from 2020-2022 indicate that fecal indicator bacteria levels remain a challenge in McCoy Creek.  Average bacterial levels and a large percentage of the individual samples exceeded the WQC 2020-2022. In 2018, FDEP piloted microbial source tracking strategies in selected impaired waterbodies.  They found that the strategies used could be used to narrow down areas suspected of containing sources that actively contribute fecal indicating bacteria to water in order to identify and remediate them, but this work is resource-intensive. McCoy Creek was found to have known sources of untreated human waste present (DEP 2019a). In 2020, McCoy Creek was added to FDEP’s study list to monitor the response in fecal coliform levels to ongoing restoration activities taking place as part of the existing BMAP (DEP 2020f), Additional information about fecal coliform in the tributaries can be found in Section 2.6 and Table 2.3.

No recent measurements were available in WIN between 2020 and 2022 for the following parameters: Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Zinc.

Historical water quality data for these parameters in McCoy Creek are available in previous versions of the River Report.

Table 2.23 Water quality data for McCoy Creek

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
ParameterCriteria (FW)202020212022
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0)5.85
(10 of 104 samples)
(8 of 126 samples)
5.44 ± 0.15
(5 of 120 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.540.92
(3 of 61 samples)
(2 of 37 samples)
1.16 ± 0.05
(5 of 83 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.120.11
(39 of 76 samples)
(51 of 102 samples)
0.13 ± 0.01
(38 of 83 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<2011.52
(1 of 5 samples)
(0 of 3 samples)
6.57 ± 3.22
(0 of 3 samples)
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (E. coli) (CFU/100 mL)E. coli <4101340
(78 of 112 samples)
(95 of 112 samples)
1859 ± 361
(78 of 118 samples)
Enterococci <130230 ± 49
(3 of 3 samples)
Turbidity (NTU)<295.7
(0 of 43 samples)
(1 of 43 samples)
7.22 ± 0.94
(1 of 37 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.

District Information

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