5.4. Metals

5.4.1. Background

Metals are naturally occurring components of the mineral part of a sediment particle. Major metals in sediments are aluminum, iron, and manganese and these are often used to differentiate types of sediment (more like terrestrial soil or limestone bedrock). Sediment composition varies naturally with local geography and environment, and so the concentrations of metals in sediments and water bodies also vary naturally. Selenium is not a metal; however, it often co-occurs and is released into the environment in conjunction with metals. Therefore, selenium will be included in the Metals section of this report.

Sediments in the main stem LSJR have widely different geologic sources. By contrast, the Cedar-Ortega system sediment characteristics suggest common geologic sources (Durell et al. 2004; Scarlatos 1993). As a result of this natural variability, it can be difficult to determine if metal levels are elevated because of human activities or simply because of the nature of the sediments. Concentrations of metals of high concern, like lead or chromium, are often compared to aluminum concentrations to try to determine what amount is the result of human input (Alexander et al. 1993; Schropp and Windom 1988). However, anthropogenic contributions of metals in aquatic environments are generally much greater than natural contributions (Eisler 1993).

Metals may enter aquatic systems via industrial effluent, agricultural and stormwater runoff, sewage treatment discharge, fossil fuel combustion, ore smelting and refining, mining processes, and due to leachate from metal-based antifouling paints (Reichert and Jones 1994; Kennish 1997; Evans et al. 2000; Voulvoulis et al. 2000; Echols et al. 2009). Coal and oil combustion represent a substantial release of atmospheric metals, often fated for future deposition into water bodies. Metals are only present in these fuels in small quantities; however, massive amounts of fuel are combusted. Metallic contamination also occurs with various metal-working enterprises where metal fabrications are produced and processed. Another avenue for metals to enter into aquatic environments is from leaching from hazardous waste sites (Baird 1995).  Naturally occurring trace elements such as copper, zinc, nickel, and selenium are essential micronutrients required by all organisms; however, in excess, these elements, as well as non-essential metals, such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, silver, vanadium, and mercury may cause adverse biological effects in aquatic organisms (Bryan and Hummerstone 1971; Dallinger and Rainbow 1993; Bury et al. 2003; Bielmyer et al. 2005a; Bielmyer et al. 2006a; Beusen and Neven 1987).

Figure 5.6 Sources of metal contamination in the LSJR. Photo credit: Dr. Annmarie Kent-Willette
Figure 5.6 Sources of metal contamination in the LSJR. Photo credit: Dr. Annmarie Kent-Willette






Anthropogenic sources of aluminum in aquatic systems include sludge from municipal water treatment plants, industrial discharge (e.g., pulp and paper mills), and fertilizer runoff (Moore 1991). Copper and zinc are two of the most widely used elements in the world and as such are common pollutants found in freshwater and marine ecosystems (Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2017; Fig. 5.6). Copper enters aquatic systems through runoff from rivers adjacent to heavy metal mining areas (Bryan 1976); through sewage treatment discharge, industrial effluent, anti-fouling paints, refineries, as well as overflow from stormwater ponds (Guzman and Jimenez 1992; Jones 1997; Mitchelmore et al. 2003). Copper is also a constituent of several pesticides commonly used to control algae. Zinc is a major component of brass, bronze, rubber, and paint and is introduced into water systems via commercialized businesses (smelting, electroplating, fertilizers, wood preservatives, mining, etc.) and rainwater run-off (Eisler 1993). Although there are freshwater environments with only a few micrograms of zinc per liter, some industrialized areas may have problematic concentrations of over 1000 µg/L Zn (Alsop and Wood 2000). Along with copper and zinc, nickel-containing materials make major contributions to many aspects of modern life. The uses of nickel include applications in buildings and infrastructure such as stainless-steel production and electroplating; chemical production, such as production of fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides; energy supply, water treatment, and coin production (Nriagu 1980; Eisler 1988b; Hoang et al. 2004). The largest use of nickel alloys and a major use of copper and zinc are in corrosion prevention. Although these applications have provided many benefits, they have resulted in increased environmental concentrations, which may have significant impact on aquatic life (Pane et al. 2003; Hoang et al. 2004).  In the past, lead has also been used to a large extent in corrosion prevention, but legislation in the 1980s has limited the content of lead in paints, reduced the lead in gasoline, and eliminated the use of lead shot nationwide (Eisler 1988a). Current concerns about lead contamination in aquatic environments are mainly due to point-source discharges from mining, smelting, and refining processes, mostly for use in the production of batteries (Eisler 1988a; WHO 1995). Lead shot can also be problematic in some environments. Unsustainable disposal of sewage sludge may also be a cause of lead contamination in rivers (Shamuyarira and Gumbo 2014). Natural sources of lead such as erosion and atmospheric deposition from volcanoes and forest fires also contribute to the lead found in aquatic environments (WHO 1995). Elevated silver concentrations in aquatic animals occur near sewage outfalls, electroplating plants, mine waste sites, or areas where clouds have been seeded with silver iodide. Prior to 2010, the photographic industry was the major source of anthropogenic silver discharges in the United States (Eisler 1996); however, over the last decade the use of silver, as silver nanoparticles, has substantially increased, particularly for applications in catalysis, optics, electronics, biotechnology and bioengineering, water treatment, and silver-based consumer products. Vanadium has also been used in nanomaterials and in rust-resistant, high-speed tools, particularly in industrial and medical applications (USDHHS 2012). Additionally, vanadium may be released to the environment from oil refineries and power plants using vanadium-rich fuel oils and coal, as well as natural sources like volcanoes, marine aerosols, and continental dust (USDHHS 2012). Natural sources of selenium include weathering of sedimentary rocks and soils. Like many metals, selenium can be released into the environment via fossil fuel combustion, metal refining and smelting, and domestic wastewater (Moore 1991). Selenium is predominantly used in glass manufacturing, and significant emissions of selenium from glass furnaces are common (Scalet et al. 2006). Arsenic and many of its compounds are especially potent poisons, especially to insects, thereby making arsenic well suited for the preservation of wood, which has been its primary historical use. Chromated copper arsenate, also known as CCA or Tanalith, has been used worldwide in the treatment of wood; however, its use has been discontinued in several areas because studies have shown that arsenic can leach out of the wood into the soil, potentially causing harmful effects in animals and severe poisoning in humans (Rahman et al. 2004). Fate

Metals may be suspended in the water column for various time periods, depending on a variety of abiotic and biotic factors. In the water column, metals can reversibly bind to organic and particulate matter, form inorganic complexes, and be passed through the food chain (Di Toro et al. 2001). Various chemical reactions favor the transfer of metals through the different phases.  Ultimately, metals partition in the sediment over time, as has occurred in the LSJR; however, metals may be remobilized into the interstitial water by both physical (e.g., weathering) and chemical (e.g., decreased pH) disturbances. For example, acidic rain can liberate metals into the water column.

Metal concentrations in saltwater generally range from 0.003-16 µg/L zinc (Bruland 1980; Bruland 1983), 0.13-9.5 µg/L copper (Kozelka and Bruland 1998), 0.2 to 130 µg/L nickel (DETR 1998; WHO 1991), and from 0.001 to 0.1 µg/L silver (Campbell et al. 2000). The highest metal concentrations reported were measured in estuaries with significant anthropogenic inputs. However, in most cases the concentration of organic ligands, such as humic and fulvic substances, as well as the concentration of inorganic ligands (e.g., chlorides and sulfides) exceed metal concentrations thereby forming complexes and rendering metals less bioavailable to aquatic organisms (Campbell 1995; Kramer et al. 2000; Stumm and Morgan 1996; Turner et al. 1981; Wang and Guo 2000). Lead concentrations in natural waters generally range from 0.02 to 36 µg/L, with the highest concentrations found in the sediment interstitial waters, due to the high affinity of this metal for sediment (Eisler 1988a). Vanadium concentrations in natural surface waters range from 0.04 to 220 µg/L, depending on the geographic locaion (USDHHS 2012), and concentrations up to 7 mg/L have been reported in polluted environments (Gosselin, et al. 2010; Zubot, et al. 2012). Aluminum concentrations in river water generally range from 5 to 400 µg/L; whereas in seawater concentrations are generally less than 5 µg/L (Moore 1991; Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2017). Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2017 reported aluminum concentrations ranging from 18 to 190 µg/L in four rivers in the southeastern U.S. with different sediment composition and different degrees of human impact. Selenium naturally occurs in freshwater at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5 µg/L, and in seawater at concentrations < 0.2 µg/L (Moore 1991).  It is difficult to use dissolved selenium concentrations to determine toxic effects in aquatic animals, because they are primarily exposed to selenium through their diet (Chapman et al. 2009; 2010 Chapman et al. 2009; Chapman et al. 2010).

Benthic biota may be affected by metals in the sediment, both by ingestion of metal-contaminated substrate and by exposure through the interstitial water. The presence of metals in the interstitial water is primarily controlled by the presence of iron sulfide in the sediments (Boothman et al. 2001).  All major pollutants will displace iron and tightly bind to sulfide, thus making them less available to cause toxicity to organisms. Toxicity

Once in aquatic systems, most waterborne metals exert toxicity by binding to and inhibiting enzymes on the gill or gill-like structure of aquatic animals (Bury et al. 2003; Bielmyer et al. 2006b). This leads to a disruption in ion and water balance in the organism and ultimately death, depending on the metal concentration and exposure time. In saltwater, fish drink water to maintain water balance and therefore, the intestine is another site for metal accumulation and ion disruption (Bielmyer et al. 2005b; Shyn et al. 2012). Ingestion of metal contaminated diets can also cause intestinal metal accumulation and potentially toxicity to the consumer (Bielmyer et al. 2005b; Bielmyer and Grosell 2011; Bielmyer et al. 2012b). Decreased respiration, decreased reproductive capacity, kidney failure, neurological effects, bone fragility, mutagenesis (genetic mutation), and other effects have been observed in aquatic biota after metal exposure.

Several water quality parameters can modify the toxicity of metals including: salinity, DO, dissolved organic carbon concentration (humic and fulvic substances), sulfide concentration, pH, water hardness and alkalinity, as well as other variables (Campbell 1995). The toxicity of metals may therefore vary in different parts of the LSJR, reflecting the changes in water chemistry (Ouyang et al. 2006) as well as the organisms that reside there. Seasonal changes as well as extreme weather events like hurricanes and storms may also substantially change water chemistry thereby influencing metal toxicity (Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2020). Metal toxicological studies using organisms or water from the LSJR are scarce. Grosell et al. 2007 and Bielmyer et al. 2013 collected Fundulus heteroclitus (killifish) from the LSJR and used them in acute (96 h) toxicological studies in the laboratory to determine the influence of salinity on copper, zinc, nickel, and cadmium toxicity to the larvae. As salinity increased, toxicity generally decreased for the metals tested. In freshwater, significant mortality to larval killifish occurred after exposure to copper (Grosell et al. 2007), zinc (Bielmyer et al. 2012a), nickel (Bielmyer et al. 2013) and cadmium (Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2018) at concentrations reported in the LSJR over the past five years (see section 2.7); however significant larval mortality was only observed after exposure to higher nickel concentrations than those found in the LSJR (Bielmyer et al. 2013). The presence of killifish is important in the LSJR because they are a common food source for many larger fish. Exposure to these metals for long time periods may cause deleterious effects, such as decreased growth and/or reproduction, in various species at even lower concentrations. Exposure to 50 µg/L for 21 days caused decreased growth in hybrid striped bass in freshwater; whereas, those exposed to the same concentration in saltwater did not suffer growth reduction (Bielmyer et al. 2006b). Generally, larval fish are more sensitive to metals than adults, and invertebrates can be even more sensitive than larval fish (Bielmyer et al. 2007). In water collected from Green Cove Springs, exposure to silver concentrations as low as 0.34 µg/L for the invertebrate crustacean, Ceriodaphnia dubia (common food sources for larval fish), and 6 µg/L for fathead minnows, respectively, caused 50% mortality to the organisms (Bielmyer et al. 2007). These silver concentrations have been reported to occur in parts of the LSJR.  Many zooplankton exposed to metals, particularly through their diets, have been shown to be very sensitive to metals (Bielmyer et al. 2006a; Jarvis et al. 2013) and to accumulate metals (Bielmyer et al. 2012b). Metal exposure to the lower trophic levels may impact higher-level consumers by decreasing food availability and/or by introducing metal exposure via the diet.  Sepúlveda et al. 2002 reported the accumulation of both metal and organic contaminants in the livers of Florida largemouth bass collected from four different locations in the LSJR: Welaka, Palatka, Green Cove, and Julington Creek.  The highest mean liver metal concentrations were found in bass from Julington Creek (silver, arsenic, chromium, copper, zinc) and Welaka (cadmium, mercury, lead, selenium, tin). The zinc concentrations accumulated in the liver of the fish from Julington Creek were similar to those observed in adult killifish after exposure to 75 µg/L Zn in the laboratory (Shyn et al. 2012). Lead can exist as an organometal and has a higher partition coefficient than the other metals discussed here; therefore, lead would be preferentially distributed in more hydrophobic compartments (Eisler 1988a).  Lead has been shown to exert toxic effects on a variety of aquatic organisms with sensitivity of some invertebrates as low as 4 µg/L (Grosell et al. 2006). Chronic lead toxicity in fish includes neurological and hematological dysfunctions (Davies et al. 1976; Hodson et al. 1978; Mager and Grosell 2011). Selenium mainly exerts toxicity by impairing reproduction and causing embryotoxicity and teratogenicity (Chapman et al. 2009; Chapman et al. 2010).

Recently, important aquatic plant species (submerged aquatic vegetation) in the LSJR have been shown to accumulate metals (Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2022a), at levels that have been shown to exert toxic effects in laboratory studies (Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2022b). These plants serve important ecological niches including serving as refugia for small fish, food sources for manatee and other organisms, nutrient cycling, and trapping sediment.

5.4.2. Data Analysis

Total metal concentrations were used in this report, rather than the preferred dissolved metal concentrations, which are used in calculation of water quality criterion values. Total values were used because the dissolved metal concentrations were not reported to a large extent, and in many cases dissolved values only accounted for less than 5% of the total data reported. EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, and 206.2 were used to measure arsenic; EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, 213.2, and 6010B were used to measure cadmium; EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, 220.2, and 6010B were used to measure copper; EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, 249.2, and 6010B were used to measure nickel; EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, 272.2, and 6010B were used to measure silver; EPA method 200.8 was used to measure aluminum, EPA methods 200.7 and 200.8 were used to measure vanadium, and EPA methods 200.7, 200.8, and 6010B were used to measure zinc.

The metal data are compared to Florida ambient water quality standards with the noted exceptions below. The LSJR varies in salinity, with the mainstem predominantly freshwater and some of the tributaries ranging from fresh- to full strength seawater. Salinity may affect the toxicity of some metals to aquatic life therefore the EPA class III Water Quality Criterion (WQC) values may be different for freshwater and marine water. Likewise, for freshwater, hardness, defined as the total concentration of the divalent cations calcium and magnesium, has also been shown to reduce the toxicity of the metals cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc; therefore, the freshwater criterion is based on an equation which incorporates the hardness of the water body. For the hardness-dependent metals in this analysis, an average hardness value of 100 mg CaCO3/L was used for generating the freshwater criteria. For aluminum, a multiple linear regression (MLR) approach has been used to derive the WQC (MLR normalized to pH = 7, hardness = 100 mg/L, DOC = 1 mg/L; EPA 2017). Currently, no water quality guidelines have been generated for vanadium in fresh- or saltwater.  To date, only a few studies have focused on the toxicity of vanadium to aquatic organisms. The WQC for marine (haline; surface chloride concentration ≥ 1,500 mg/L) waters was used for all the metals, except for silver and vanadium, for which no marine water quality criterion has currently been adopted by the U.S.EPA. The current proposed WQC value for silver has been used. It must be pointed out that the freshwater and marine WQC are the same for some metals, like arsenic, for example. However, for other metals, like cadmium, the freshwater WQC is substantially different (0.27 mg/L at 100 mg/L hardness) from the marine criterion of 8.8 mg/L. Therefore, for river segments or water bodies that have no saltwater influence, the potential for environmental impacts of certain metals may vary.

5.4.3. Current Status and Trends of Metals in Water and Sediments Metals in Water

The data set for metals in the water column is more robust in some years and missing in others, which contributes error in the data trend analyses. Each metal is discussed in turn below.

Median and mean aluminum values have been stable since 2016 in the LSJR (Figure 5.7; 5.8). Maximum aluminum values were above the calculated freshwater criterion value in the LSJR mainstem and tributaries during that time (Figure 5.7; 5.8).

Arsenic values have been stable in the tributaries and freshwater portion of the mainstem since 2005, and no arsenic values have exceeded WQC since 2009 (Figure 5.9; 5.10; 5.27A). Alternatively, arsenic mean and median concentrations have been increasing in the SW portion of the LSJR mainstem since 2005, with fluctuations of maximum concentrations (e.g., in 2016 and 2018; Figure 5.9) above the WQC of 50 µg/L. All arsenic concentrations were below the WQC and within acceptable limits from 2019 to 2022 (Figure 5.9; 5.10).

Like arsenic, cadmium median and mean values have increased since 2009, especially in the SW portion of the LSJR mainstem, although values did not exceed the WQC in saltwater (Figure 5.11; 5.12). Median and mean cadmium concentrations in the freshwater part of the LSJR have been relatively stable and within acceptable limits. However, since 2017, maximum cadmium values have exceeded the WQC in freshwater (with the assumed hardness value of 100 mg/L) (Figure 5.11; 5.12). Changes in salinity may affect cadmium toxicity, as well as the toxicity of the other metals (Shyn et al. 2012; Bielmyer et al. 2012b; Bielmyer et al. 2013; Bielmyer-Fraser et al. 2018). In general, metals are more toxic in freshwater; metal toxicity decreases with increasing salinity (Bielmyer and Grosell 2011). Cd exceedances in Doctors Lake have been reported (Figure 5.27B).

Copper was one of the more commonly found metals in the LSJR, based on this data set. In the freshwater LSJR mainstem, maximum copper values have fluctuated above WQC since 2005; however, mean and median values have been below WQC and stable since 2010 (Figure 5.13; 5.14). In the saltwater mainstem and tributaries of the LSJR, maximum copper values have exceeded WQC since 2005 and mean and median values have increased in the saltwater mainstem over the past five years (Figure 5.13; 5.14). Copper has been most problematic in the tributaries, where many exceedances have been documented (Figure 5.13; 5.14; 5.27C).

Mean and median lead values have been relatively stable in the freshwater mainstem areas and tributaries of the LSJR since 2005 (Figure 5.15; 5.16). In saltwater areas of the mainstem, however, lead has fluctuated with maximum values periodically exceeding WQC (e.g., 2006-2008; 2018; Figure 5.15; 5.16). In several tributaries, particularly Big Fishweir Creek, Doctors Lake, Moncrief Creek, and Strawberry Creek, lead concentrations exceeding both freshwater and saltwater criteria have been documented (Figure 5.27D).

Mean, median, and maximum nickel concentrations decreased from 2005 to 2009, and then increased until 2018 when concentrations leveled (Figure 5.17; 5.18). Maximum nickel concentrations have fluctuated above WQC, particularly in the predominantly saltwater part of the mainstem, and to some extent in the tributaries (Figure 5.17; 5.18). These values have been stable in the freshwater part of the mainstem and within acceptable limits (Figure 5.17; 5.18). Since 1997, maximum nickel concentrations have been reported above WQC in several tributaries, particularly Doctors Lake, Dunns Creek, and Sixmile Creek (Fig. 5.27E).

Selenium median and mean values have been relatively stable since 2005 in the LSJR (Figure 5.19; 5.20). Mean values in the predominantly freshwater portion of the mainstem and tributaries have been at or above the WQC (Figure 5.20). Mean selenium values in the predominantly saltwater portion of the LSJR mainstem have been within acceptable limits, however, maximum values have fluctuated above the WQC (Figure 5.19; 5.20).

Mean and median silver concentrations have fluctuated in the LSJR main stem since 2005 with lower values observed during 2015 to 2017 (Figure 5.21; 5.22). Median and maximum silver concentrations in the saltwater portion of the LSJR mainstem have exceeded the WQC since 2018; however, mean values have been just below WQC. Mean silver concentrations in the tributaries and freshwater portion of the LSJR mainstem have frequently exceeded the WQC, as was the case in 2020 (Figure 5.22; 5.27F).

Vanadium concentrations have been stable in the LSJR since the majority of the data were available in 2016 (Figure 5.23; 5.24). Higher concentrations have been reported in the saltwater mainstem areas and tributaries as compared to the freshwater mainstem areas. Currently, no WQC has been developed for vanadium. Concentrations causing lethality in 50% of organisms (LC50) have been reported to range from 0.46-14.8 mg/L for invertebrate zooplankton species (e.g., Daphnia) and fish such as rainbow trout and fathead minnows (Meina et al. 2020). However, physiological effects may occur at much lower concentrations than those causing lethality.  More data is needed to assess if the concentrations found in the LSJR would affect the aquatic life.

Median and mean zinc concentrations in the LSJR have been below the WQC and within acceptable limits since 2005, however, maximum zinc concentrations in the tributaries and saltwater portion of the mainstem have fluctuated above WQC during that time (Figure 5.25; 5.26). All zinc values in the LSJR mainstem were within acceptable limits in 2022. Elevated maximum zinc concentrations were reported in Butcher Pen Creek, Goodbys Creek, and Strawberry Creek (Figure 5.27E).

The metals analyzed in this report are widely used and therefore continue to enter the LSJR through point and nonpoint sources. The ratings from these metals are for the water column only; sediments act as a reservoir and may still contain high metal concentrations (see below). If sediments are disturbed by dredging or other activities, metals may be remobilized into the water column and may negatively impact aquatic life in the LSJR. The magnitude of potential impact is dependent on many concurring abiotic and biotic factors.

Concentrations of almost all the metals, particularly cadmium, copper, and silver in the predominantly saltwater portion of the LSJR mainstem from 2016-2022 have increased. Dredging of the LSJR began in February 2018 by JaxPort, and Hurricane Mathew and Hurricane Irma impacted Jacksonville October 7, 2016 and September 10-11, 2017, respectively. These events and other storm events could have contributed to the changes in the contaminant concentrations observed.

Vanadium cannot be assessed because a WQC has not been developed.

The current overall STATUS of metals (excluding silver) in the water column that were evaluated in this study (including aluminum, arsenic, copper, cadmium, lead, nickel, and zinc) in the predominantly freshwater portion of the LSJR mainstem is satisfactory with a TREND of unchanged. The STATUS of silver and selenium in the water column of the predominantly freshwater portion of the LSJR mainstem is unsatisfactory with a TREND of unchanged.

The current overall STATUS of metals (excluding copper and silver) and selenium in the water column of the predominantly saltwater portion of the LSJR mainstem is satisfactory with a TREND of unchanged. The current overall STATUS of copper and silver in the water column of the predominantly saltwater portion of the LSJR mainstem is unsatisfactory with a TREND of unchanged.

 The current overall STATUS of metals (excluding arsenic) and selenium in the water of the tributaries of the LSJR mainstem is unsatisfactory with a TREND of unchanged. The current overall STATUS of arsenic and cadmium in the water of the tributaries of the LSJR mainstem is satisfactorywith a TREND of unchanged.

Figure 5.7 Yearly aluminum concentrations (mg/L) from 2012 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.7 Yearly aluminum concentrations (mg/L) from 2012 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.8 Yearly aluminum concentrations from 2012 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the EPA derived water quality criterion for freshwaters using the MLR approach.
Figure 5.8 Yearly aluminum concentrations from 2012 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the EPA derived water quality criterion for freshwaters using the MLR approach.
Figure 5.9 Yearly arsenic concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.9 Yearly arsenic concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.10 Yearly arsenic concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.10 Yearly arsenic concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.11 Yearly cadmium concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.11 Yearly cadmium concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.12 Yearly cadmium concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.12 Yearly cadmium concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.13 Yearly copper concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.13 Yearly copper concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.14 Yearly copper concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.14 Yearly copper concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.15 Yearly lead concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.15 Yearly lead concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.16 Yearly lead concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.16 Yearly lead concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.17 Yearly nickel concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.17 Yearly nickel concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.18 Yearly nickel concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.18 Yearly nickel concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.19 Yearly selenium concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.19 Yearly selenium concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.20 Yearly selenium concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.20 Yearly selenium concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.21 Yearly silver concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.21 Yearly silver concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.22 Yearly silver concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.22 Yearly silver concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.23 Yearly vanadium concentrations (g/L) from 2013 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.23 Yearly vanadium concentrations (g/L) from 2013 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.24 Yearly vanadium concentrations from 2013 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. No water quality criteria have been developed for vanadium currently.
Figure 5.24 Yearly vanadium concentrations from 2013 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. No water quality criteria have been developed for vanadium currently.
Figure 5.25 Yearly zinc concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.25 Yearly zinc concentrations (g/L) from 2005 to 2022 in A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ± 25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set.
Figure 5.26 Yearly zinc concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.
Figure 5.26 Yearly zinc concentrations from 2005 to 2022 in the A) the entire LSJR and its tributaries, B) the tributaries of the LSJR, C) the freshwater (FW) portion of the LSJR mainstem, and D) the predominantly saltwater (SW) portion of the LSJR mainstem. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for marine/estuarine waters and the dotted purple line indicates the class III water quality criterion for freshwaters.

Figure 5.27 Water column concentrations (µg/L) of A) arsenic, B) cadmium, C) copper, D) lead, E) nickel, F) silver, and G) zinc in over 29 tributaries of the Lower St. Johns River Basin (see key for tributary codes). Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ±25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for predominantly marine waters and the dashed orange line indicates the criterion for mostly freshwaters.Values in brackets below the tributary codes represent the number of data points for each tributary.
Figure 5.27 Water column concentrations (µg/L) of A) arsenic, B) cadmium, C) copper, D) lead, E) nickel, F) silver, and G) zinc in over 29 tributaries of the Lower St. Johns River Basin (see key for tributary codes). Data are presented as a box-and-whiskers plot with the green boxes indicating the median ±25% (middle 50% of the data) and horizontal lines indicate the median values. Blue whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values in the data set. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the class III water quality criterion for predominantly marine waters and the dashed orange line indicates the criterion for mostly freshwaters.
Values in brackets below the tributary codes represent the number of data points for each tributary. Metals in Sediments

The metals in sediments that we have evaluated in this study include aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, silver, vanadium, and zinc (Figure 5.28). Selenium was also evaluated. These elements have been elevated over natural background levels in sediments all throughout the LSJR for more than two decades and continue to do so today. Many of the sediments that were analyzed since 2000 have had concentrations of chromium, zinc, lead, cadmium, or mercury (discussed in more detail below) that are greater than natural background levels (NOAA 2008), sometimes by very large amounts. Sediments in Rice Creek that were analyzed in 2002 had mercury levels that were about 100 times greater than natural background levels. High metal concentrations were found in sediments elsewhere throughout the river, including the Cedar-Ortega system, Moncrief Creek off the Trout River, Broward Creek, and Doctors Lake.

From 2008 to 2022, despite some hot spots, mean metal concentrations in sediments are generally present at concentrations near their TELs; however, for most metals, values above TELs have been reported (Figure 5.26). In particular, lead and mercury (discussed below) continue to be problematic in the LSJR (Figure 5.32).  Individually, metals may exert pressure to aquatic life; however, exposure to all metals together may cause synergistic toxic effects, constituting an important class of stressor to the river. It should be noted that the number of sediment samples analyzed for metals has decreased over the past ten years.

Each metal is discussed individually. Aluminum data have been available since 2017 and mean values have fluctuated slightly during that time (Figure 5.28a). No PEL, TEL, PEC, or TEC are available for comparison, however, the aluminum concentrations in the LSJR are within range of background levels reported in the sediment in other areas (Moore 1991). Mean arsenic concentrations in the sediments of the LSJR have fluctuated since 2009 but with some values exceeding the TEL and TEC levels (Figure 5.28b). The mean sediment arsenic concentration decreased from 2020 to 2022 to acceptable levels; however, maximum arsenic values (e.g., 13.5 mg/kg in 2019) have been above the TEL and TEC values since 2013 (data not shown). Mean cadmium concentrations in the sediments decreased in 2009 and have been stable since then with values below the TEL and TEC limits (Figure 5.28c). Alternatively, maximum cadmium values have been above the TEL and TECs consistently since 2017. Mean copper values in the sediments have fluctuated since 2009, often approaching or exceeding TEL and occasionally TEC values (Figure 5.28d). Mean lead significantly decreased from 2009 to 2017 and has slightly fluctuated since then. Most years, mean values have generally been at or just below the TEL and TEC limits (Figure 5.28e) and maximum values have consistently exceeded these thresholds since 2009. Mean nickel concentrations in the sediments have been relatively stable, with most values slightly under the TEL and TEC (Figure 5.28f). Maximum nickel values have regularly exceeded the TEL (Figure 5.28f). Mean sediment silver concentrations have been relatively stable from 2009 to 2020, and most values were within acceptable marine limits (lower than TEL and PEL; Figure 5.28g).

Mean selenium values in the sediment have decreased since 2009, with the lowest values observed in 2021 and 2022 (Figure 5.28h). In 2022, selenium values ranged from 0.43 to 8.9 mg/kg in the LSJR sediment. No PEL, TEL, PEC, or TEC are available for comparison. Selenium concentrations generally range from 0.1 to 30 mg/kg in sediment worldwide, with levels above 0.5 mg/kg representing contaminated above background conditions (Moore 1991). Many of the selenium concentrations in LSJR sediment were above this concentration. Mean zinc concentrations in the sediments have been below TEL and TEC limits since 2009, with notable increases in 2012 and 2013 and a slight increase in 2021 (Figure 5.28i). Maximum zinc values were below TEL and TEC values from 2014 to 2022, with the exception of 2021 (e.g., maximum value of 329 mg/kg). Mean mercury concentrations fluctuated above PEL and PEC limits from 2009 to 2016. Since then, mean values have decreased but remained elevated above TEC and TEL limits, and maximum values are still elevated above PEL and PEC limits (Figure 5.28j). There are isolated locations in the LSJR, particularly in Rice Creek and the Cedar-Ortega system, where mercury occurs at concentrations high enough to impair the health of organisms. It is possible that mercury will bioaccumulate in those fish, crabs, and shellfish that spend most of their lives at these highly contaminated sites.

The STATUS of metals in sediments is unsatisfactory, and the TREND is unchanged.

Figure 5.28 Annual Mean Concentrations of A) aluminum, B) arsenic, C) cadmium, D) copper, E) lead, F) nickel, G) selenium, H) silver, I) zinc, and J) mercury, in the Sediments of the Lower St. Johns River Basin. Error bars represent standard deviations. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the Threshold Effects Level, TEL, for saltwater (sensitive species may be affected); the solid red line indicates the Probable Effects Level, PEL, for saltwater, (some species affected); the dotted orange horizontal line indicates the Threshold Effects Concentration, TEC, for freshwater (sensitive species may be affected); the solid red line indicates the Probable Effects Concentration, PEC, for freshwater (some species affected).
Figure 5.28 Annual Mean Concentrations of A) aluminum, B) arsenic, C) cadmium, D) copper, E) lead, F) nickel, G) selenium, H) silver, I) zinc, and J) mercury, in the Sediments of the Lower St. Johns River Basin. Error bars represent standard deviations. The dotted red horizontal line indicates the Threshold Effects Level, TEL, for saltwater (sensitive species may be affected); the solid red line indicates the Probable Effects Level, PEL, for saltwater, (some species affected); the dotted orange horizontal line indicates the Threshold Effects Concentration, TEC, for freshwater (sensitive species may be affected); the solid red line indicates the Probable Effects Concentration, PEC, for freshwater (some species affected).


5.4.4. Point Sources of Metals and Other Related Chemicals in the LSJR Region

The EPA defines a “release” as different ways that toxic chemicals from industrial facilities enter the air, water, and land (EPA 2019). These modes include spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment (EPA 2019). Total releases into the air, land, and water surrounding the LSJR have decreased since 2010, remaining relatively stable from 2015 to 2019 (Figure 5.29). The majority of the releases onto the land include vanadium compounds and nickel compounds (Figure 5.29b). Most of the releases into the water include nitrate compounds, hydrogen sulfide, and antimony, zinc, and barium compounds (Figure 5.29c). Styrene, hydrogen sulfide, butyl alcohol, and glycol ethers comprise the majority of chemicals released into the air surrounding the LSJR (Figure 5.29d).

In 2019, the power generation industry released the most chemicals (primarily vanadium and nickel compounds) into the areas surrounding the LSJR (Figure 5.30). Other industries which released substantial amounts of chemicals included metal containment, brewery, naval station, petroleum containment and packaging facilities (Figure 5.30).

Figure 5.27 A. Total releases of chemicals into the land, water, and air surrounding the LSJR from 54 TRI facilities over time, and the distribution of releases in the B. land, C. water, and D. air in 2019. The data were reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2019).
Figure 5.27 A. Total releases of chemicals into the land, water, and air surrounding the LSJR from 54 TRI facilities over time, and the distribution of releases in the B. land, C. water, and D. air in 2019. The data were reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2019).
Figure 5.28 The top 5 industries releasing chemicals into the LSJR and its tributaries in 2019 as reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2019).
Figure 5.28 The top 5 industries releasing chemicals into the LSJR and its tributaries in 2019 as reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2019).

5.4.5. Mercury in the LSJR Background: Mercury

Like most metals, mercury has natural and anthropogenic sources. As a constituent of the earth’s crust, mercury is released into the atmosphere by natural geologic processes. However, anthropogenic activities can substantially increase the mobilization of mercury into the atmosphere. In an assessment of national sources of mercury, the EPA determined that approximately 60% of the mercury deposited in the U.S. had anthropogenic sources (EPA 1997b).

People introduce mercury into the atmosphere by fuel combustion, ore mining, cement manufacture, solid waste incineration, or other industrial activities. Fertilizers, fungicides, and municipal solid waste also contribute to mercury loading but combustion is the primary anthropogenic source.

The LSJR emissions reflect national trends in that most waste mercury is emitted from coal power plants (EPA 1997a).

In the U.S. in 2020, 14.8 and 1.98 tons of mercury were released to the air and water, respectively, from a variety of industry sectors (Figure 5.31).

Figure 5.31 National emissions of mercury in the US to the A) air and B) water in 2020 from the Toxics Release Inventory.
Figure 5.31 National emissions of mercury in the US to the A) air and B) water in 2020 from the Toxics Release Inventory.

When mercury is released to the atmosphere, the most common type of release (EPA 1997a), its fate is highly dependent on the form of the mercury, meteorological conditions, and the location of the source. Elemental gaseous mercury Hg0, is the most abundant in the atmosphere and stays there for long periods of time. Oxidized species, HgII forms, are more water-soluble and are washed out of the atmosphere and are readily transported to rivers and streams. Local and regional modeling of the fate of mercury indicates that a substantial portion of emitted mercury travels farther than 50 km from the original source (EPA 1997a). Consequently, it is extremely difficult to isolate specific sources of mercury to a particular watershed. Considerable effort at the federal and state level has been devoted to understanding how mercury travels and cycles throughout the globe.

Once deposited into an aquatic environment, mercury can be transformed by microorganisms to an organic form, methyl mercury. Methyl mercury production is promoted by low nutrients, low oxygen, and high dissolved organic carbon levels which are typical of many Floridian lakes, blackwater streams, and wetlands. Methyl mercury binds to proteins in tissue and therefore readily bioaccumulates. All of the mercury present in prey fish is transferred to predators and the mercury biomagnifies in organisms as it travels up the food chain. High level predators with long life-spans, such as largemouth bass in freshwater and king mackerel in marine systems, accumulate the most mercury in their tissue and therefore they generally have the highest concentrations (Adams and McMichael Jr 2001; Adams et al. 2003). Humans, as top predators, consume mercury in fish also and this is the route by which most people are exposed to mercury (EPA 2001). It is important to realize that when anthropogenic mercury is mobilized to the atmosphere, it will continue to cycle, in some form, through the atmosphere, water bodies, land, or organisms (Figure 5.32).

Figure 5.36 The mercury cycle. Mathematical models must accurately describe each step to predict the effect of mercury sources on fish tissue. Source: USGS 2004.
Figure 5.36 The mercury cycle. Mathematical models must accurately describe each step to predict the effect of mercury sources on fish tissue. Source: USGS 2004.

The human health effect of mercury depends on the form, the mode of exposure, and the concentration. Methyl mercury is particularly worrisome because it is the form that is most toxic, it is most easily absorbed through the human gastrointestinal tract and it is released to the bloodstream after consumption. It passes readily into most tissues, including the brain and kidneys, where it can cause permanent damage. Exposure to pregnant women is particularly hazardous since it is passed from mothers to their children through the placenta before birth, and through nursing after birth. Methyl mercury is a neurotoxin and its effect on developing fetuses and children is of high concern. It also appears to affect cardiovascular and immunological health of all human populations. High levels of the metallic form of mercury (Hg0) also cause problems but inorganic salts of mercury (HgII) do not pass as easily into the brain so neural damage is not as certain (ATSDR 2000, EPA 2001).

Both EPA and FDEP evaluate the significance of mercury contamination in water bodies based on human health risks from fish consumption, rather than based on simple water column concentrations (EPA 2001, DEP 2009a, FDOH 2016). As discussed in Section 3 of this report and below, when mercury is found in fish or shellfish, health agencies may limit consumption, particularly for women of childbearing age and children. There are 16 fresh water bodies in the LSJR basin for which the FDOH has placed consumption limits for some fish species because of mercury (FDOH 2016). In addition, there were 34 water bodies or segments of water bodies listed as impaired in the 2009 303(d) list for TMDL development based on health effects from consumption of fish contaminated with mercury (DEP 2009a) (see Section 1 and Appendix 1. D).

A methyl mercury fish tissue criterion has been developed that is designed to protect the health of general and sensitive populations while allowing people to consume as much fish as possible (EPA 2001, ATSDR 1999). Sensitive populations consist of children and women of childbearing age. To determine if mercury found in fish is harmful to human health, toxicologists use a reference dose (a dose that causes no ill effect) of 0.0001 mg mercury/kg human body weight per day for sensitive populations, and 0.0003 mg mercury/kg human body weight per day for the general population. These are the amounts of mercury that can be safely consumed. When fish tissue exceeds safe levels, FDOH, in concert with FWC and FDEP, issues advisories that recommend limiting consumption to a certain number of meals per week or month or restricting it entirely. Meals should be limited for the general population when mercury in fish tissue exceeds 0.3 ppm and when it exceeds 0.1 ppm for sensitive populations. When fish tissue exceeds 1.5 ppm, the general population should not eat any of the fish. Sensitive populations should not eat any fish with mercury concentrations greater than 0.85 ppm. (EPA 2001, Goff 2010). If monitored fish contain low enough concentrations of mercury so that people will not consume more than the reference dose at standard rates of consumption, then no restrictions will apply.

The FL DEP issued its final report for the statewide mercury TMDL in October 2013 (see Section 1 in this report for additional information on TMDLs). The goal of the TMDL effort is to reduce the levels of mercury in fish in State waterways to safe levels where fish consumption advisories have been issued. The elements of the multi-year study to establish mercury load limits included measuring the amount of mercury that is present in Florida waterways (in fish, water and sediment), and identifying sources and fates of mercury in the State through atmospheric monitoring and modeling.

Intensive monitoring of atmospheric mercury, along with other metals and air quality parameters, was undertaken at seven sites from 2008-2010. Wet deposition of mercury was monitored at all sites and in Jacksonville, Pensacola, Tampa and Davie dry deposition was also monitored. In addition to atmospheric monitoring, extensive analysis of mercury in fish, primarily largemouth bass, and water quality was undertaken in over 100 freshwater lakes and 100 streams. The selected sites varied in acidity, trophic status and color, all parameters that were thought to affect the fate of mercury in water bodies and its uptake by fish and other organisms. These data are being used to predict levels in unmonitored sites. Mathematical models of the emissions, transport, and rates of deposition of mercury into waterways were developed as well as models to predict the concentrations in fish with different mercury loading rates and in different aquatic environments. Estimating exposure to mercury by different populations and establishing a safe level of consumption was another significant effort in the project (DEP 2007; DEP 2011; DEP 2013c). Results of the studies indicate that most of the man-made sources of mercury in Florida waters has global sources and that aquatic lakes and streams vary more because of their geochemistry than because of atmospheric loading. The TMDL report indicates significant reductions in mercury emissions have occurred in the last two decades.

No additional reductions will be required of local coal fired power plants due to recent large reductions arising from federal regulation (EPA 2013b) and the global nature of the sources in State waters. NPDES permit-holders will have no additional mercury limits imposed beyond currently enforced water quality criteria because of the limited impact of local atmospheric and point sources, and because of anticipated impending EPA regulations (EPA 2015a). Current and Future: Mercury in LSJR Sediments

The influx of information about mercury sources and levels that will arise from the TMDL process will provide much needed information about the extent of the contamination throughout the state. In the LSJR, there is some mercury information but the amount of data is limited. In addition, changes in standard methods of analysis make it difficult to track trends.

It should be noted that the toxicity pressure reflects the overall toxicological stress on the ecosystems of the river. It does not address human toxicity, which arises when we consume toxic metals that have found their way into the environment, via contaminated biota. Human health effects are discussed in the following section.

Because of the high degree of toxicity pressure due to mercury, the high numbers of sites that have mercury in sediments greater than background levels, and the high degree of potential human risk, the STATUS of mercury in sediments is unsatisfactory, and the TREND is unchanged. Mercury in LSJR Fish and Shellfish

The diverse types of fish that live in the LSJR were reviewed in Section 3 in this report. As noted, there is considerable overlap of freshwater, estuarine, and marine species in the dynamic LSJR system. In the following data sets, the marine and estuarine species associated with the LSJR were caught north of Doctors Lake. Of the marine and estuarine species discussed, King mackerel, Spanish mackerel, gag grouper, and bull shark are generally found offshore, while the others reside largely in coastal and estuarine waters. The freshwater species were caught south of Doctors Lake. The species that are reported are considered important because of their economic significance. Some species are also closely monitored because they are at high risk for elevated concentrations due to their large size and trophic status (Adams et al. 2003).

As shown in Figure 5.33, most species in the northern marine section of the LSJR had low levels of mercury in their tissue, including blue crabs and oysters. The only data that exceeded FDOH’s most restrictive advisory levels for the general population were those reported in the Section 303(d) Impaired Waters listing for mercury. Those data, collected throughout Florida’s coastal and offshore waters, resulted in impaired designations for the marine and estuarine main stem and seven tributaries north of Doctors Lake. The King mackerel and bull shark, top predator species that are large and long-lived, have significantly elevated levels compared to the other species. Levels in marine/estuarine species in the LSJR are comparable to or less than the averages for the individual species for the entire State of Florida (Adams et al. 2003). However, as discussed in Section 3, advisories have been issued for all Florida coastal waters for numerous species including Atlantic croaker, dolphin, gag grouper, King mackerel, sharks, red drum, southern flounder, spotted seatrout, and southern kingfish (FDOH 2016). Additional information about consumption advisories is available in Section 3 of this report.

In the fresh portions of the river south of Doctors Lake, the main stem, tributaries, and large connected lakes, fish have been extensively sampled in the last 10 years (Figure 5.34). Levels exceeding the 0.3 mg/kg fish tissue criterion have been found primarily for largemouth bass, which caused the southern part of the LSJR main stem, Lake Broward, and Crescent Lake to be designated as impaired. Not included in this discussion are several smaller, isolated southern lakes that have been listed as impaired due to elevated concentrations of mercury, again primarily in largemouth bass. As with the LSJR marine and estuarine fish, LSJR freshwater fish mercury levels are generally comparable to the rest of the state. Furthermore, the 1998-2005 national average for largemouth bass was 0.46 ppm, which is similar to LSJR values (Scudder et al. 2009).

Figure 5.31 Average mercury concentrations in estuarine and marine invertebrates and fish caught in coastal waters, offshore, and in the LSJR north of Doctors Lake. An asterisk means the data set was used for 2009 303(d) impaired water listing for the marine/estuarine main stem and 7 tributaries north of Doctors Lake. Standard deviation bars are shown. Data sources include Adams et al. 2003; Adams and McMichael Jr 2007; NOAA 2007b; Brodie 2008; Axelrad 2010; Goff 2010.
Figure 5.31 Average mercury concentrations in estuarine and marine invertebrates and fish caught in coastal waters, offshore, and in the LSJR north of Doctors Lake. An asterisk means the data set was used for 2009 303(d) impaired water listing for the marine/estuarine main stem and 7 tributaries north of Doctors Lake. Standard deviation bars are shown. Data sources include Adams et al. 2003; Adams and McMichael Jr 2007; NOAA 2007b; Brodie 2008; Axelrad 2010; Goff 2010.
Figure 5.32 Average mercury concentrations in freshwater fish caught in the LSJR main stem and tributaries south of Doctors Lake, as well as other Florida waterways. An asterisk means the data set was used for 2009 303(d) impaired water listing for the indicated water bodies in the LSJRB. Data sources include Axelrad 2010; Goff 2010; Lange 2010.
Figure 5.32 Average mercury concentrations in freshwater fish caught in the LSJR main stem and tributaries south of Doctors Lake, as well as other Florida waterways. An asterisk means the data set was used for 2009 303(d) impaired water listing for the indicated water bodies in the LSJRB.
Data sources include Axelrad 2010; Goff 2010; Lange 2010.

There are several consumption advisories due to mercury contamination in fish in the LSJR region, and most fish contain at least small amounts of mercury. However, high levels of mercury in fish are found mostly in the top predators and in only a few of the freshwater bodies sampled. By consuming mostly lower-level predators and smaller, short-lived fish species (e.g., Atlantic croaker, flounder, sunfish) people can benefit from this healthy food source with minimal risk. Point Sources of Mercury in the LSJR Region

In 2013, 558 pounds of atmospheric mercury emissions in the LSJR region were from four primary industries, including stone/clay/glass (30%), electric utilities (30%), primary metals (25%), and cement (15%). Emissions from gypsum and steel production have grown since 2008, offsetting reductions by the electric utility industry (Figure 5.35).

Figure 5.39 Trends and status of emissions of mercury into the atmosphere of the nine-county LSJR basin by industry as reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2015b).
Figure 5.393Trends and status of emissions of mercury into the atmosphere of the nine-county LSJR basin by industry as reported in the Toxics Release Inventory (EPA 2015b).
Figure 5.36 Mercury emissions into the LSJR basin (via air, water, and land) by the facilities (EPA 2015b).
Figure 5.36 Mercury emissions into the LSJR basin (via air, water, and land) by the facilities (EPA 2015b).

Mercury releases into the LSJR and tributaries have significantly dropped since 2007 with four facilities responsible for more than 99% of total mercury emissions (Figure 5.36). St. Johns River Power Park and Cedar Bay Generating Co have steadily decreased their discharges of mercury since 2010, which has contributed to the observed decreases in mercury release (Figure 5.36).