2.7.30. Wills Branch  About the Wills Branch

Figure 2.59 The Wills Branch Tributary (WBIDs 2282) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
Figure 2.59 The Wills Branch Tributary (WBIDs 2282) with sanitary sewer overflows reported by JEA in 2022 (JEA 2022b).
    • West of downtown Jacksonville
      Flows into the Cedar River
    • Primary Land Use: Residential
    • Current TMDL reports:
      Fecal Coliform with BMAP
    • Not included in 2022 Verified List of Impaired Waters
    • Beneficial Use: Class III F
      (Recreational – Freshwater) Data sources

Data were historically downloaded from the FL STORET website (DEP 2010f), with recent data downloaded from WIN WAVES (DEP 2022f). Data were filtered based on the stations in the Wills Branch WBID 2282 (DEP 2023b) shown above. Discussion

Water quality data for Wills Branch are presented in Table 2.34. Historically, average total phosphorus, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-aconcentrations were within acceptable limits. Fecal coliform levels were historically above the WQC. As a result, a TMDL for total and fecal coliform was published in 2006 (Wainwright 2006c) for Wills Branch, with an 80% reduction in contributing sources. (Note: the data analyses in the TMDL are based on different criteria than those used in this report). Subsequently, a BMAP for Wills Branch was legally adopted in 2010 (DEP 2010a). Average fecal indicator bacteria levels were higher than the WQC 2020-2022. In 2018, FDEP piloted microbial source tracking strategies in selected impaired waterbodies.  They found that the strategies used could be used to narrow down areas suspected of containing sources that actively contribute fecal indicating bacteria to water in order to identify and remediate them, but this work is resource-intensive.  Wills Branch was found to have known sources of untreated human waste present (DEP 2019a).  In 2020, Wills Branch was added to FDEP’s study list to monitor the response in fecal coliform (E. coli) levels to ongoing restoration activities taking place as part of the existing BMAP (DEP 2020f). Additional information about fecal coliform in the tributaries can be found in Section 2.6 and Table 2.3.

Historical water quality data for these parameters in Wills Branch are available in previous versions of the River Report.

Table 2.34 Water quality data for Wills Branch.

Water QualityAverage and Number of Samples º
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)≥34% sat. (≥3.0)5.36
(2 of 12 samples)
(0 of 16 samples)
6.58 ± 0.36
(0 of 16 samples)
Total Nitrogen (mg/L)<1.541.03
(1 of 7 samples)
(0 of 4 samples)
1.17 ± 0.10
(0 of 9 samples)
Total Phosphorus (mg/L)<0.120.12
(3 of 7 samples)
(1 of 11 samples)
0.08 ± 0.01
(0 of 9 samples)
Chlorophyll-a (µg/L)<204.26
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 9 samples)
2.52 ± 0.82
(0 of 8 samples)
Arsenic (µg/L)≤50Not available0.31
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Cadmium (µg/L)≤0.3Not available0.01
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Copper (µg/L)≤9.3Not available1.46
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Iron (µg/L)≤1.0Not availableNot included in
2022 SORR
Not available
Lead (µg/L)≤3.2Not available0.30
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Nickel (µg/L)≤52Not available0.25
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Silver (µg/L)≤0.07Not available0.01
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Zinc (µg/L)≤120Not available12.50
(0 of 1 sample)
Not available
Fecal Indicator Bacteria (CFU / 100 mL) E.coli <410730
(6 of 11 samples)
(13 of 14 samples)
1458 ± 192
(8 of 8 samples)
Turbidity (NTU)<293
(0 of 6 samples)
(0 of 11 samples)
3.17 ± 0.34
(0 of 9 samples)
Note: Hardness-dependent freshwater criteria for cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc were generated based on a hardness concentration of 100 mg/L.
° = Number of samples below Water Quality Criteria for Dissolved Oxygen; Number of samples above Water Quality Criteria for all other parameters.
FW = freshwater; SW = saltwater (marine). Values denoted with (*) indicate a proposed criterion, which has not yet been adopted.
Values denoted with (‡) are reference values based on EPA criteria (EPA 2010b), but the water body is not regulated by this standard.